Troop 84 is...a Boy Lead Troop...
With guidance and over time,
the Scouts are given more and more responsibility in leading
various activities in the troop.
As they advance
from one rank to another, they are assigned more complex duties
and more is expected of them.
The Patrol
Method: Patrols are the building blocks of a
Boy Scout troop. A patrol is a small group of boys who are
similar in age, development, and interests. Working together as
a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol's
success. They gain confidence by serving in positions of patrol
leadership. All patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of
belonging, and achievements of the patrol and of each of its
Patrol Leader:
The top
Level scout, the Senior Patrol Leader, is elected by the
Scouts to represent them as the top junior leader in the Troop.
By accepting the position of Senior Patrol Leader agrees to
provide service and leadership to your troop. The responsibility
should be fun and rewarding. This job description outlines some
of the things you are expected to do while serving in this
leadership role.
The Senior Patrol Leader is the focal point of the troop. He
needs to attend as close to all troop functions as possible. One
of the major parts of the SPL's job is to appoint other troop
leaders. He must choose leaders who are able, not just his
friends or other popular Scouts.
Runs all
troop meetings, events, activities, and the program planning.
Appoints junior leaders with the advice and counsel of the
Assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders.
Assists the Scoutmaster with Junior Leader Training.
Resolve conflicts between troop members.
Participate in a regular conferences with the scoutmaster.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
The Assistant Senior
Patrol Leader is the second highest
ranking patrol leader in the troop. The
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader acts as the
Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL
or when called upon. He also provides leadership
to other junior leaders in the troop.
The most important part of the ASPL position is
his work with the other junior leaders. The ASPL
should be familiar with the other positions and
stay current with the work being done.
Helps the
Senior Patrol Leader lead meetings and activities. |
Runs the troop in the absence of the Senior Patrol Leader.
Helps train and supervise the Troop Scribe, Quartermaster,
Instructor, Librarian, Historian, and Chaplain Aide. |
Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council.
The Patrol Leader is
the elected leader of his patrol. He
represents his patrol on the Patrol Leader's
The Patrol Leader may easily be the most
important job in the troop. He has the closest
contact with the patrol members and is in the
perfect position to help and guide them. The
Patrol Leaders, along with the Senior Patrol
Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader are
the primary members of the Patrol Leaders'
Appoints the
Assistant Patrol Leader.
Represents the patrol on the Patrol Leader's Council.
Plans and steers patrol meetings.
Helps Scouts advance.
Acts as the chief recruiter of new Scouts.
Keeps patrol members informed.
Knows what his patrol members and other leaders can do.
Assistant Patrol
Assistant Patrol Leader is appointed by the Patrol Leader
and leads the patrol in his absence.
Substituting for the Patrol Leader is only part of the Assistant
Patrol Leader's job. The APL actively helps run the patrol
Helps the patrol get ready for all troop
activities. |
Lends a hand controlling the patrol and
building patrol spirit. |
Must be well informed in case Patrol
Leader is absent. |
of the Scoutmaster
The Scoutmaster is
the adult responsible for the image and program
of the troop. The Scoutmaster and his
Assistant Scoutmasters work directly with the
Scouts. The importance of the Scoutmaster's job
is reflected in the fact that the quality of his
guidance will affect every youth and adult
involved in the troop.
- Bill Bader
E-mail 609-898-0547
General: |
Train and guide boy leaders.
Work with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys.
Use the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
Meet regularly with the patrol leaders' council (PLC) for
training and coordination in planning troop activities. |
Attend all troop meetings or, when necessary, arrange for a
qualified adult substitute. |
Attend troop committee meetings. |
Conduct periodic parents' sessions to share the program and
encourage parent participation and cooperation. |
Take part in annual membership inventory and uniform inspection,
charter review meeting, and charter presentation. |
Guidance: |
Conduct Scoutmaster conferences for all rank
advancements. |
Provide a systematic recruiting plan for new members
and see that they are properly registered. |
Delegate responsibility to other adults and groups (assistants,
troop committee) so that they have a real part in troop
operations. |
Supervise troop elections for the Order of the Arrow.
Activities: |
Make it possible for each Scout to
experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.
Participate in council and district events. |
Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in
Scouting literature. |
Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe
conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and
the Boy Scouts of America. |
Assistant Scoutmaster
The Assistant
Scoutmaster Is assigned specific program duties
and reports to the Scoutmaster. Provides
the required two-deep leadership standards set
by the Boy Scouts of America. Is at least 18
years old, but at least one in each troop should
be 21 or older.
The Troop Committee is the troop's
board of directors and supports the troop program.
Ensures that
quality adult leadership is recruited and
trained. In case the Scoutmaster is
absent, a qualified assistant Scoutmaster is
assigned. If the Scoutmaster is unable to serve,
a replacement is recruited. |
Provides adequate meeting facilities. |
Advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating
to Boy Scouting and the chartered organization. |
Carries out the policies and regulations of
the Boy Scouts of America. |
Supports leaders in carrying out the
program. |
Is responsible for finances, adequate funds,
and disbursements in line with the approved
budget plan.
Obtains, maintains, and properly cares for
troop property. |
Provides adequate camping and outdoor
program (minimum 10 days and nights per year). |
Serves of boards of review and courts of
Supports the Scoutmaster in working with
individual boys and problems that may affect the
overall troop program.
Provides for the special needs and
assistance some boys may require. |
Helps with the Friends of Scouting campaign.
Assists the Scoutmaster with handling boy
behavior problems. |
Duties of the Chairperson
the committee to see that all functions
are delegated, coordinated, and
completed. |
Maintain a close relationship with
the chartered organizations
representative and the Scoutmaster. |
Interpret national and local
policies to the troop. |
Prepare troop committee meeting
agendas. |
Call, preside over, and promote
attendance at monthly troop committee
meetings and any special meetings that
may be called. |
Ensure troop representation at
monthly roundtables. |
Secure top-notch , trained
individuals for camp leadership. |
Arrange for charter review
and re-charter annually. |
Plan the charter presentation. |
Ensure troop leaders and committee
members have opportunities for training. |
Maintain an inventory of up-t0-date
training materials, videotapes, and
other training resources. |
Work with the district training team
in scheduling Fast Start training for
all new leaders. |
Be responsible for BSA Youth
Protection training within the troop. |
Encourage periodic junior leader
training within the troop and a the
council and national levels. |
Duties of Communications
Promote sound communications within
the Troop to include policies,
procedures, etc. |
Coordinate activities for bimonthly
newsletter. |
Coordinate activities for Troop
website. |
Assess effectiveness of troop
communications and develop / implement
improvement plans as needed.
Report to the troop committee at
each meeting.
Duties of the Secretary
Keep minutes of meetings and send
out committee meeting notices.
Handle publicity. |
Prepare a family newsletter of troop
events and activities. |
Conduct the troop resource survey.
Plan for family night programs and
family activities. |
At each meeting, report the minutes
of the previous meeting. |
Duties of the Treasurer
Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on
the recommendation of the Scoutmaster
and authorization of the troop
committee. |
Maintain checking and savings
accounts. |
Train and supervise the troop scribe
in record keeping. |
Keep adequate records in the
Troop/Team Record Book. |
Supervise the camp savings plan.
Lead in the preparation of the
annual troop budget. |
Lead the Friends of Scouting
Keep adequate records of expenses. |
Report to the troop at each meeting. |
Duties of the Fundraising
Conceptualize and promote fundraising
activities to help offset the
costs of operating the troop. |
Solicit ideas from Scouts, parents,
adult leaders, etc. for fundraising
ideas. |
Introduce fundraising activities at
Troop meetings. |
Report to the troop at each meeting. |
Duties of Activities
Help in securing permission to use
camping sites. |
Serve as transportation coordinator.
Ensure a monthly outdoor program.
Promote the National Camping Award. |
Promote, through family meetings,
attendance at troop campouts, camporees,
and summer camp to reach the goal of one
outing per month. |
Secure tour permits for all troop
Report to the troop committee at
each meeting.
Duties of The Advancement Chairman
Encourage Scouts to
advance in rank.
Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout
advancement records.
Arrange quarterly troop boards of review and
courts of honor.
Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor
Make a prompt report on the correct form to the
council service center when a troop board of
review is held. Secure badges and certificates.
Work with the troop librarian to build and
maintain a troop library of merit badge
Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Duties of Eagle Project
Develop and maintain Eagle Project
Coach program |
Help Eagle candidate understand the
Eagle advancement roadmap. |
Help the Eagle candidate understand
the components of good project
management and help them apply good
practices in their Eagle project. |
Provide feedback and guidance to
Scout as they work through their Eagle
project development.
Make recommendations to Troop
Committee and help the Eagle candidate
schedule his committee review when
ready. |
Provide a consistent criteria for
reviewing and approving Eagle projects.
Report to the troop at each meeting. |